We are always told we should be careful what we post online and what we allow people to see because of potential employers who are likely to search your name. So in order to present yourself and maintain a good reputation online. Being able to control your privacy settings permits you to control the way you present yourself to those employers. Forbes has an article on how your online reputation can damage your chances of finding a job and how you can screen it.

Online identity is a social persona which is grows every time you interact on a website. Whether it’s uploading videos and pictures on social media, commenting on blogs and YouTube videos, or even emailing people – it all leaves a digital footprint. The Internet Society (n.d) states: “you have one true identity and many partial identities.”


Someone who is against having multiple online identities is Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg. In an interview he says:

“Identity is authenticity, that you are online who you are offline, and to have multiple identities is to lack integrity.” 

(Krotoski, 2016)

When Facebook first came about in 2004, online identity was not a thing like it is now. “A Facebook account became a sort of passport to the rest of the web…” (Stone and Friar, 2014). In the 12 years since it’s been created, it has around 1.71 billion users all with individual identities. The argument against this is due to some using social media to deceive people or creating accounts for cyberbullying.

Christopher Poole is who believes users have multiple identities is the creator of a website which contrasts Facebook, 4Chan. 4Chan is a website where users do not need an account so therefore stay anonymous online. Poole says: “Individuals are multifaceted. Identity is prismatic…” I agree with this because you’re not the same person you are at work in comparison to who you are with your friends and when you are with your family. So why would being online be any different to that?  Having multiple identities allows you to compartmentalise your work life and your personal life, and many people have multiple social media accounts in order to do so. Read this article for more about people having multiple accounts. Below is a video of Christopher Poole talking about online anonymity and why it’s a good thing to have.




Krotoski, A. (2016) Online identity: Is authenticity or anonymity more important? The Guardian, 13 October. Available from: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2012/apr/19/online-identity-authenticity-anonymity [Accessed 26 October 2016].
Org, I. (n.d.) An overview of identity. Available from: http://www.internetsociety.org/sites/default/files/Understanding%20your%20Online%20Identity%20An%20Overview%20of%20Identity.pdf [Accessed 26 October 2016].
Parr, B. (n.d.) 4chan founder: Facebook and Google do identity wrong [VIDEO]. Available from: http://mashable.com/2011/10/18/chris-poole-4chan-web-2/#SvKhepnvikqk [Accessed 27 October 2016].
Stone, B. and Frier, S. (2014) Facebook turns 10: The Mark Zuckerberg interview. 31 January. Available from: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2014-01-30/facebook-turns-10-the-mark-zuckerberg-interview#p3 [Accessed 26 October 2016].